Yeti Ancestry
I have Yeti Ancestry, of course I can track an individual and sense their mood through my heightened senses.
Supernatural: Specific Information (through sense of smell).
Substitutes for: None.
Feature: None.
Examples: Aura Sight, Clairvoyant, Astral Projector, See Dead People.
Some powers provide very specific information unnaturally, and do nothing else. It tells one thing well, not everything through a dark glass (like Vague Information).
I have Yeti Ancestry, of course I can track an individual and sense their mood through my heightened senses.
Supernatural: Specific Information (through sense of smell).
Substitutes for: None.
Feature: None.
I can X-Ray Heart, of course I can find out who somebody’s favourite person is.
Supernatural: Specific Information (about favourite relationship).
Substitutes for: None.
Feature: Casts Rituals.
Feature: Use Gutter Magick.
I have Statosight, of course I can spot an Avatar and their archetypal tendencies, and tell how the statosphere influencing people, places, objects and events.
Supernatural: Specific Information (on avatars and archetype influence).
Substitutes for: None.
Feature: Casts Rituals.
I get Quest Visions, of course I can find a way to achieve my goals.
Supernatural: Specific Inform.
Substitutes for: None.
Feature: Casts Rituals.
Feature: Use Gutter Magick.
Two versions of the I Have Scary Problems Identity are included. One’s mystic. One’s just the outcome of living a life of incipient terror.
I Have Scary Problems.
Supernatural: Specific Inform (for whatever those oranges and pencils and people in
crowds have in common).
Feature: Use Gutter Magick.
Feature: Casts Rituals.
I Have Scary Problems, of course I can maintain a poker face, be ready to flee at all times, awaken at the slightest noise.
Substitutes for: Pursuit.
Feature: Substitutes for Dodge.
Feature: Substitutes for Notice.
I’m a Daysleeper, of course I can see astral and invisible stuff.
Supernatural: Specific Inform.
Substitutes for: None.
Feature: Casts Rituals.
Feature: Use Gutter Magick.