Relate to the Cabal

Once the dots start to be connected between different elements, each player then goes on to define how their character relates to the cabal as a whole.

Declare your relationship

Add the cabal to one of your empty relationship slots. Briefly describe the nature of the relationship.

The starting value will be the same as the related upbeat ability. That won’t be determined until after you have notched the associated shock meter.

Defining the relationship

As before, the relationships indicate your character’s position towards the cabal:

  • Favourite: you are dedicated to or love it; it makes you feel connected to the world.
  • Guru: you turn to the group when things don’t add up; they can explain what it’s all about to you, and help you understand why you should do something.
  • Mentor: you might aspire to embody what the group stands for; you turn to they group for practical guidance; they help you decide what you should do.
  • Protégé: the cabal looks up to you (at least you think so); you give it guidance and influence, because you want to.
  • Responsibility: you have a duty or obligation to the group; when you give it help and support, it’s because you feel you have to.

Note that this is explicitly not the same as relating to an individual player character. It is the character’s perspective on the cabal as a unit. If anything, it is similar to how a character might relate to an organisation or another group.


What relationship you choose can reveal your character’s intention or motivation towards the group, and whether they:

  • are willing to follow or go along (the cabal is their guru or mentor)
  • have a desire to lead (the cabal is their protégé)
  • are profoundly loyal (the cabal is their favourite)
  • feel a sense of protection, duty or obligation to the welfare of the group (the cabal is their responsibility)


It is possible for multiple player characters to have the cabal in the same relationship box. It is, after all, just each character’s own position towards the group.  Most of the time, this shouldn’t cause any problems. If different characters see the cabal as their protégé though, there could be an interesting leadership battle for the GM’s antagonists to exploit.

Reference: UA3 Book 2: Run p29 | p28 pdf, p36 | p35 pdf.  UA1 Book 1: Play p39 | p38 pdf.

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