Known Armies: An Index of Everything
An index to help you quickly find published and community information, including archetypes for avatars, magick traditions for adepts, spells, rituals and identity features.
An index to help you quickly find published and community information, including archetypes for avatars, magick traditions for adepts, spells, rituals and identity features.
Character creation is closely wrapped up with world-building in Unknown Armies 3. The group (or cabal), its objectives, and the places and people in the world they are most closely connected to are established collaboratively in an initial character phase.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up a game with a coherent party of broken characters.
Unknown Armies is full of secrets to discover. GM characters can be a good source to help peel back the conspiracy veil. Use these mechanics to get savvy.
Previous versions of Unknown Armies included some good examples of passions, and some further restrictions on when they could be invoked.
Make sure your character has a name. Detail their appearance and mannerisms. Declare any personal goals, subplots and rivalries.
Count how many hardened notches your character has. Check for burnout (25 notches or two fully hardened shock meters). Mark failed notches (1 per 5 hardened notch, rounded up) and check for mental trauma.
Select features for each of your character’s identities. Set the starting values for each identity. Distribute 120 points between them all. Set your Wound Threshold.
Earlier versions of Unknown Armies included some good examples of obsessions. They didn’t make it into UA3, but they do give players some helpful suggestions for both mundane and adept obsessions.
They are reprised here, along with how they have been applied to a couple of sample character.
Add a new character or location to the board. Make and describe a connection between any two elements (including player characters) now on the board.
Mark up to ten hardened notches between the two shock meters that are currently unset.
Add any more identities you really want to take. Link one to your obsession to be able to flip-flop related checks.
Define rage, fear and noble passions that stimulate your character. Be clear about when they do and don’t apply. Link the fear to one relevant shock meter.