Loves Romance

I Love Romance, of course I can engage in witty banter, tell harmless flirting from the serious kind, discuss the minutiae of Sandra Bullock’s film oeuvre.
Substitutes for: Connect.
Feature: Protects Isolation.
Feature: Coerces Isolation.

Can’t Sleep

The Insomniac has, in fact, taken five Fails in Helplessness and is now subject to hallucinations. Usually, there’s no bonus Identity for this poor bastard. He’s just screwed.

On the other hand …

Working Homeless

I’m Working Homeless, of course I can know which creepy places even the violent and crazy are scared to go, haggle
tenaciously, repair just about anything with just about anything as long as it only has to work one
time more.
Substitutes for: Secrecy.
Feature: Protects Self.
Feature: Substitutes for Lie.

Burnt Out

I’m Burnt Out, of course I can find a meth dealer, sleep rough, tell you which dumpster has the freshest baked goods.
Substitutes for: Notice.
Feature: Protects Isolation.
Feature: Coerces Isolation.


I’m an Alderwoman, of course I can get a ticket fixed, make a local business be nicer to you, get that pothole repaired, get
you a temporary job for a couple weeks.
Substitutes for: Status.
Feature: Protects Helplessness.
Feature: Protects Isolation.


I’m an Addict, of course I can find a source, communicate in slang, exert myself in brief and intense ways if there’s drugs at the end of it.
Substitutes for :Lie.
Feature: Substitutes for Secrecy.
Feature: Protects Self.


I’m an Academic, of course I can access obscure libraries and archives that you never knew existed, get an interview with a reclusive expert, recognize specious bullshit research.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Substitutes for Status.
Feature: Protects Unnatural.


I’m a Server, of course I can talk to the local beat cop on a first name basis, spot the person or event that’s out of place, give directions.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Protects Isolation.
Feature: Substitutes for Fitness.


I’m A Pony, of course I can: stumble onto occult stuff almost entirely by accident, misunderstand things in a way
that protects my body or sanity, display my near-ignorance in the most appealing possible fashion.
Substitutes for: Connect.
Feature: Protects Helplessness.
Feature: Use Gutter Magick.


I’m a Mystic Seeker, of course I can discuss Tarot and alchemy, recognize the commonest ways to fake having magick,
tell mystic inspiration from drug-abuse babble.
Substitutes for: Notice.
Feature: Protects Unnatural.
Feature: Substitutes for Pursuit.