Invisible Clergy Lore

I know Invisible Clergy Lore, of course I can: tell an avatar from a lunatic, jump to incorrect conclusions that somehow pan out, distinguish the residue of amateur art projects.

Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Substitutes for Secrecy.
Feature: Evaluates the Unnatural.

Scout Leader

I’m a Scout Leader, of course I can be prepared, find a good spot to camp, tie the right know, organise a jamboree, play harmonica, hunt dinner, muster support.
Substitutes for: Knowledge or Status.
Feature: Medical.
Feature: Provides Firearms Attacks or Coerces Helplessness.
Feature: Substitutes for Fitness or Cooperative

Obsesses about UFOs

I’m Obsessed with UFOS, of course I can attempt geometry and trigonometry, spot the tells of CGI, process video frame-by-frame.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Substitutes for Notice.
Feature: Substitutes for Pursuit.

Unusually Old

I’m Unusually Old, of course I can find information even when the Internet’s down, be patient and persistent, be prepared for the unexpected.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Substitutes for Status.
Feature: Protects Helplessness.

Can’t Resist a Mystery

I Can’t Resist a Mystery, of course I can bond with you over your favorite crime show, figure out ciphers and notice acrostics, spot inconsistencies.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Substitutes for Notice.
Feature: Substitutes for Connect.


I’m an Academic, of course I can access obscure libraries and archives that you never knew existed, get an interview with a reclusive expert, recognize specious bullshit research.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Substitutes for Status.
Feature: Protects Unnatural.


I’m a Server, of course I can talk to the local beat cop on a first name basis, spot the person or event that’s out of place, give directions.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Protects Isolation.
Feature: Substitutes for Fitness.


I’m a Hacker, of course I can dazzle non-techies with jargon, make your laptop run faster, install or uninstall softwarez, consume alarming quantities of caffeine.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Substitutes for Lie.
Feature: Unique (can break into and subvert computer systems).

Authentic Thaumaturge

I’m an Authentic Thaumaturge, of course I can read a couple dead languages, spot mystic symbols incorporated into everyday objects, babble disturbingly.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Casts Rituals.
Feature: Every Authentic Thaumaturge starts play knowing two minor rituals of the player’s choice, or two chosen by the GM as being particularly likely to be useful (unique).


I’m a Zookeeper, of course I can get into the zoo, acquire poisonous snake venom, remain unbothered by the anteater’s incredible stench.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Provides Initiative.
Feature: Substitutes for Dodge.