
I’m a Bouncer, of course I can spot a fake ID, acquire drugs, get free drinks, hold my liquor, understand the club kids’ crazy slang.
Substitutes for: Fitness.
Feature: Coerces Violence.
Feature: Substitutes for Struggle.

Beat Cop

Of course I’m a Beat Cop, I can recognize the local “usual suspects,” interpret gang tags and police radio codes, maintain a calm facade.
Substitutes for: Pursuit.
Feature: Substitutes for Struggle
Feature: Provides Firearms Attack.

Sort of Immortal

I’m Sort of Immortal, of course I can survive that fall, take that hit, endure those burns.
Substitutes for: Health.
Feature: Provides Wound Threshold.
Feature: Substitutes For Dodge.

Psych-Salad Survivor

I’m a Psych-Salad Survivor, of course I can register as mostly normal on the commonest psychological tests, resist sedatives, sit and stare at the wall without moving for hours on end.
Substitutes for: Lie.
Feature: Resists challenges to Violence.
Feature: Evaluates Self.

Authentic Thaumaturge

I’m an Authentic Thaumaturge, of course I can read a couple dead languages, spot mystic symbols incorporated into everyday objects, babble disturbingly.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Casts Rituals.
Feature: Every Authentic Thaumaturge starts play knowing two minor rituals of the player’s choice, or two chosen by the GM as being particularly likely to be useful (unique).


I’m a Zookeeper, of course I can get into the zoo, acquire poisonous snake venom, remain unbothered by the anteater’s incredible stench.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Provides Initiative.
Feature: Substitutes for Dodge.


I’m a Yardbird, of course I can play dumb, craft makeshift weapons, know when things are about to get ugly.
Substitutes for: Dodge.
Feature: Substitutes for Fitness.
Feature: Provides Initiative.

X-Ray Technician

I’m an X-Ray Technician, of course I can move around the hospital without arousing suspicion, use an x-ray machine, tell you crazy stories about stuff that’s been inside people.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Resists challenges to Helplessness.
Feature: Substitutes for Status.

Weather Forecaster

I’m a Weather Forecaster, of course I can introduce you to everyone at the local news station, identify cloud types, ridicule climate change deniers.
Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Substitutes for Notice.
Feature: Substitutes for Status.


I’m a Veteran, of course I can speak in military jargon, endure discomfort, kick nine kinds of ass on Xbox.
Substitutes for: Fitness.
Feature: Resists challenges to Violence.
Feature: Provides Firearm Attacks.