Known Armies: An Index of Everything

Below are a series of reference tables for GMs and players, with main entry indexing to the Unknown Armies 3 rulebooks (1: Play, 2: Run, 3: Reveal) and supplements (4: Expose, 5: Mine).

For each table, you can use the search box to filter the lists, and the arrows in each column header to sort them.

More entries will appear in each as community content grows. If you are a community content creator and would like your new rituals, identities, spells and other elements added to this list, please get in touch.


Guide to Character and Cabal Creation

Fillable Character Sheet

Key Mechanics Reference – 2-page summary, plus extended healing and therapy notes

6 ways to break the world – magick, channelling and other options to harness the unnatural

Legacy Obsession Examples – round-up from UA1 and UA2


Quickstart Character Concepts and Identities – keep coming back for a new set of random suggestions

Archive of Identities

4 Flavours of Identity – mechanical differences between adept, avatar, mundane and supernatural identities

Archetypes for Avatars

Archetypes that are only listed in Book 3: Reveal are not fully described. Others (including community-created avatars) are fleshed out with taboos, symbols and channels.
ArtistAesthete of universal truths. Combines craft and insight to produce works that heal, inspire or otherwise change people.4: Expose68
CaptainA leader. Officially in charge. Calls the shots. Has a crew to execute plans. Has responsibility for the crew.1: Play9897
CharioteerCargo carrier. Truckers, pilots and smugglers. Community content from Alex Powell. Statosphere
ChroniclerDrawn to important events. Keen powers of observation. Compelled to record and share.3: Reveal2424
CollectorAcutely acquisitive of a defined category of thing or person that fascinates. Protective of and nourished by their collection.4: Expose71
ConfessorHeals the soul by listening. Gains trust and judges lives. Records sins and failings.3: Reveal2828
DemagoguePopulist. Leader of the rabble. Makes things simple. Works up the masses with the answer to the problem.5: Mine51
DiscipleA student of a Master and a follower of their Teaching, both defined.5: Mine53
ExecutionerExecutes at the behest of an accepted authority. Carries out sentences, doesn't pick targets. Deadly. Detailed in UA1 p169 and UA2 p172.3: Reveal3939
ExplorerAlways looking for something new, forgotten or concealed. Always looking to share it with the world.1: Play101100
FirebrandChampion of a cause. Leader of a movement, defined with goals and an aim. Gives and gets strength through followers. 1: Play102101
Flying WomanFemale-only avatar. Ignores restrictions placed by others' expectations. Her own highest authority. Detailed in UA1 p170 and UA2 p173.3: Reveal4141
FoolFeckless, random and lucky. Unconstrained by rules, boundaries and restrictions. Easily manipulated. 1: Play104103
GuideShows others the path. Helps others onto a path. Doesn't complete the path. A teacher, not a doer. 1: Play106105
HackerAn improvisational inventor, a lateral maker. Uses one thing to create something else. Gets things done, might worry about the details later. 1: Play107106
HealerFixes physical, mental and social wounds. Selfless and holistic, driven to preserve How Things Should Be. 5: Mine55
HunterRelentlessly pursues a defined quarry - person or object. Narrow scope of powers, focussed on finding and seeking.3: Reveal5050
JudgeTuned to dicerning important truth, and to passing judgment on it. 3: Reveal5353
Loyal LabourerUntiring and unquestioning worker. Subservient, subtle and ceaseless. 3: Reveal5958
MartyrTrue Believer. The Cause is all, whatever the cause is. Will not stop to defend it. Has purpose, which gives them meaning. 5: Mine57
Masterless ManIndependent. Rootless. Self-reliant. Fighter, with traditional weapons or words. Once a loyal follower, but not any more. 5: Mine59
MerchantSuperceded by the Salesman. Previously detailed in UA1 p173 and UA2 p179.3: Reveal6261
MessengerUnstoppable truth bearer. Carries the news. Spreading knowedge, banishing ignorance. 1: Play108107
MotherGives comfort, protection and love to her children. Or control, submission and dependence. 1: Play110108
Muse / PatronA force of culture. The inspiration (Muse) or practical support (Patron) behind artist(s). 4: Expose73
MVPRepresents a side, and is in a competition. Worshipped, by colleagues and fans. Hated by rivals. The talented ego spirit of the team. Winner. 5: Mine61
Mystic HermaphroditeContradiction personified. The walking embodiment of magick. Replaced by the Sexual Rebis. Previously detailed in UA2 p187.3: Reveal6563
Naked GoddessPerfect and aloof. Passionate yet dispassionate. Unattainable but desired. An alluring and ineffable mirror to others.1: Play111109
Necessary ServantGets things done. Unmentioned, unmemorable functionary. Subtle, operating behind the scenes. Unparalleled at navigating hierarchies.3: Reveal65
OpportunistHas a project, an ambition, which is clearly defined. Always looking for an opening or advantage. No stranger to competition. Winning - success - is more important than the prize. 1: Play113111
OracleA seer, not an actor. Makes prophecies and predictions, but cannot interfere with them coming to pass. Community content from Blavnan. Reddit
OutsiderThe excluded. An interloper. Useful but not trusted. Cannot be accepted, but cannot face being isolated. 3: Reveal7068
PeacemakerPacifist. Deters and negates physical conflict and violence.3: Reveal7371
PilgrimDevoted seeker, on the one true quest. Pursues a consistent, single-minded and defined goal - an experience, insight or accomplishment, rather than something tangible. Always journeying for it.5: Mine63
RebelRabble-rouser and activist. Recruiting and leading for a cause against the prevailing order.3: Reveal7977
SalesmanFormerly the Merchant. Always closing the deal. Believes in the transaction, the exchange, the flow, rather than the product. Seeded the need to know what you want. 5: Mine65
SavageExists outside society. Ignores society. Pre-technological, favouring nature and the body over machines and language. Detailed in UA1 p174 and UA2 p191.3: Reveal8381
ScholarCollects and prizes knowledge. Understands and retains information. Always needs to learn.3: Reveal8381
Sexual RebisPreviously known as the Mystic Hermaphrodite, detailed in UA2 p187.3: Reveal8482
ShamanSpirit walker. Initiated into abstract and cosmic truths. Seer of the invisible factors that influence lives.4: Expose75
Solid CitizenAn everyday hero. Cares passionately about the tribe - protects, improves and leads by example. Driven by noble passion and obsession. 1: Play114112
StarA performer. With a fanbase. Craves their attention. Feeds their desires.1: Play116113
SurvivorNever gives up. Does what it takes. Endures with calm focus. Emulated and feared. Must. Not. Die.1: Play117115
TamerAnimal friend. Beast master. Has a familiar.4: Expose78
TricksterQuick wits, clever plans, guile and deception. Always takes the crooked path, which may not be the best. 3: Reveal9391
True KingCaretaker, protector, leader. Represents the unity of the ruler, people and land. Has a realm and/or followers. 1: Play119116
Two-Faced ManSelfish betrayal and noble sacrifice. An infiltrator or double agent. Excels at persuasion and disguise.Has defined home and enemy groups, both in conflict.5: Mine67
Unsung ChampionChooses to serve, and promotes that which it serves ahead of themselves. Modest, competent but a strong sense of self worth. Has a defined role in society. 1: Play121118
UntouchableSociety's underclass. Ostracised, stigmatised, and tolerated to do the jobs others consider beneath them in civilisation. Community content provided by Alex Powell. Released for open contributions via Google Drive
WarriorUncompromising fighter against a defined enemy - whether an ideology, policy or people. Dedicated to its extermination.1: Play123120

Magick Traditions for Adepts

Traditions or schools in Book 3: Reveal only are not published with spell lists, taboos, charging rituals or paradoxes.
AgrimancyLandbreakers. Tamers. Sodbusters.
Power seized from nature tamed. Bending the natural world to a human order.
1: Play142139
AmoromancyPower through forbidden love and frustrated erotic feelings.3: Reveal1212
AnnihilomancyDestruction-based, entropic magick. Wreck it, don't repair it. 3: Reveal1212
BibliomancyLibrarians, Bookworms.
Power from the accumulation of books. Preservation of secrets in a library. UA2 p117.
3: Reveal1515
CameraturgyLensers. Imagicians. Paparazzi.
Power captured through the lens.The disconnnect between how things are and what they are.
1: Play146143
CharmancySingetooths. Fire bellies. Ash-holes.
Based around the ritual consumption of burnt food. Community content from Sean Clancy.
CinemancyAuteurs. Cliches. Tropers.
Power from the aspirational vision of life projected in movies.
1: Play150147
CliomancyCobweb Farmers, History Buffs.
Power secreted from historical places and objects. Knowledge imbued with commonality of memory and belief. UA1 p84. UA2 p121.
3: Reveal2626
CryptomancySecret-Keepers. Cognoscenti. Windbags. Weasels. Liars.
Power secreted through rumour and disinformation.
5: Mine7
DapimancyBinge-watchers, Bingers, Truphemancers. Power from television shows, consumed on-demand and in single sittings. Psychic Mayhem
DetritomancyGarbologists. Hoarders. Wombles. Grimers.
One man's trash is another man's power.
5: Mine11
DipsomancyBoozehounds. UA1 p87. UA2 p126.3: Reveal3232
EntropomancyBodybags. Chaos Mages. Exploding Dice.
Power from the chaos of relinquishing control. Previously UA1 p90 and UA2 p130.
5: Mine15
EpideromancyFleshworkers. Skinners. Blood Bags.
Power from destruction of the bodily self. Previously UA1 p95 and UA2 p133.
5: Mine19
FulminaturgyArmigers. Gunsels.Sloppy Seconds.
Guns as symbols of the relationship between individuals and society. Gun power, not gun violence.
1: Play154151
GeomancyPre-modern magick that imposes order on the natural world. Masters of physicala nd social structure, as well as things beneath the earth.3: Reveal4545
GNOMONInternet magick. Power from the data and metadata that is stored, transmitted and shared by people across digital networks. Hidden generalities and exacting specificity.2: Run58
GourmeturgyCooking-based magick. Cookies, caterers, gastros. Community content by Alex Powell.Statosphere
HerpemancySnake magick. Niche.3: Reveal4848
IconomancyPostmodern ancestor worship. Ritual adoration of famous dead people.3: Reveal5151
InfomancyTransmitting, translating and transforming digital information.3: Reveal5151
IrascimancyRage magick. Aggressive, wrathful and angry.3: Reveal5151
JoymancyA school of fate and omens, based on games for divination. Community content from Justin Miland.Statosphere
KatharomancyNeat freaks. Howards.
Power through sanitary control.
5: Mine23
KleptomancyPower from stealing. Power to steal - objects, life force, memories, reputations.3: Reveal5555
LudomancyVideo game magick. Game-crazy adepts born in the arcades of yesteryear, forged in the console wars and scoring their mark into the Occult Underground. Community content from Alex Powell.Statosphere
MechanomancyClockworkers. Previously UA1 p96 and UA2 p137.

Adapted for UA3 by Stuart Pate.
3: Reveal

MotumancyFlag-burners. Anarchs.
Power through rebellion against the established order, social oppression and the oppressed.
1: Play158155
Narco-AlchemyDrugrats, Narquis, Psychonauts. UA2 pp141-144.3: Reveal6565
OneiromancyThe power of dreams fuelled by sleeplessness. Hallucinations and nightmares powered by exhaustion.3: Reveal6969
PersonamancyThespians. Power from pretense, masks and borrowed identities. Antagonistic to vestimancy, and vice versa. UA2 pp145-1483: Reveal7474
PlanetomancyWanderer magic. You don't have any destination in mind, but the more you travel, the more you feel connected to the road beneath your feet, and the more you can feel the magick in you building up. Community content from UA contributor Tim Dedopulos.Statosphere
PlutomancyBankers. Misers. Warbucks. Greenspans.
Money is power. Hoards of potential. Get rich, live poor. Previously UA1 p97 and UA2 p149.
5: Mine27
PlutophagyPower from consumption: devouring money and value rather than acquiring and hoarding it (see Plutomancy).3: Reveal7575
PornomancyPorn Stars. (Affinites. Love Pirates.)
The power of sexual desire ritually performed. Previously UA1 p100 and UA2 p153.
5: Mine31
The power of wealth redistributed and consumerism reclaimed.
1: Play131128
SociomancyFanboys. Fangirls. Groupies. Otaku.
The power of social conformity.
1: Play162159
StrygomancyCronenbergs. Body magick. Magick to transform mental trauma into physical mytation. Community content from Nimrod Tzarking.Statosphere
ThanatomancyDeath sorcery. Regarded generally as "irredeemably evil."3: Reveal8989
UrbanomancyRats. Slum Junkied.
The power of the city alive. Home town magick.
5: Mine35
UstrinaturgySmoke Magick.
The power of self-destruction through smoke.
4: ExposeNA9
VestimancyTailors. Fig Leaves. Empty Suits.
Garments as symbols are dressings of power.
1: Play166163
ViaturgyBroken heroes. Wheelers. Ramblers.
Power from the wheels you ride the open roads on towards your own destiny.
1: Play170167
Power from broadcast TV shows. The shared culture of the lowest common denominator. Under threat from on-demand and streaming TV. UA2 pp159-163.
3: Reveal104104

Adept Magick Spells

A comprehensive spell list for the published schools of magick.
SchoolClassSpellEffect CategoryBookPrintPDF
RefumancyMinorOne Man's TrashAlter Small Tangible Object1: Play137134
RefumancyMinorRebelMinor Compulsion (Self)1: Play137134
RefumancyMinorRefugeUnique. De-hassle squatting.1: Play137134
RefumancyMinorRepairFix Damage (things)1: Play137134
RefumancyMinorRestoreFix Damage (people)1: Play137134
RefumancyMinorScavengeAcquire Relevant Object1: Play137134
RefumancyMinorUp Your BannerSubstitute (Connect)1: Play137134
RefumancySignificantMark of the OppressorMinor Compulsion (Self)1: Play141138
RefumancySignificantReduceAlter Significant Tangible Object1: Play141138
RefumancySignificantResistSignificant Roll Improvement (Struggle)1: Play141138
RefumancySignificantReuseUnique. Improvise one-use gadget.1: Play141138
RefumancySignificantRevolutionizeUnique. Make unique object.1: Play141138
RefumancySignificantSiphonFix More Damage. Significant Blast.1: Play141138
RefumancySignificantSovereigntyForbiddance1: Play141138
AgrimancyMinorBarn Raising1: Play142139
AgrimancyMinorBreaking the Predators Fang1: Play142139
AgrimancyMinorConsult the Stars1: Play143139
AgrimancyMinorFertility1: Play143140
AgrimancyMinorOracular Feast1: Play143140
AgrimancyMinorRaise from Stones1: Play143140
AgrimancyMinorWhat the Dirt Saw1: Play144141
AgrimancySignificantAct of God1: Play144141
AgrimancySignificantBounty's Rejection1: Play145141
AgrimancySignificantCrop Labyrinth1: Play145142
AgrimancySignificantDomesticate1: Play145142
AgrimancySignificantToil1: Play145142
AgrimancySignificantVital Beast1: Play145142
AgrimancySignificantWholesome1: Play145142
CameraturgyMinorAura Snapshot1: Play147144
CameraturgyMinorFrozen Moments1: Play147144
CameraturgyMinorJiffy Print1: Play147144
CameraturgyMinorPhoto ID1: Play147144
CameraturgyMinorEx Treatment1: Play147144
CameraturgyMinorTiming Error1: Play147144
CameraturgyMinorX-Ray Film1: Play147144
CameraturgySignificantAura Portrait1: Play148145
CameraturgySignificantEmpathy1: Play148145
CameraturgySignificantGreat Divorce1: Play148145
CameraturgySignificantPhoto Omen1: Play148145
CameraturgySignificantSoul Theft1: Play148145
CameraturgySignificantSpirit Photography1: Play148145
CameraturgySignificantTimeless Image1: Play149146
CinemancyMinorBanana Peel Gag1: Play151148
CinemancyMinorStock Wardrobe1: Play151148
CinemancyMinorDoes this smell like chloroform?1: Play151148
CinemancyMinorI'm the guy with the gun1: Play151148
CinemancyMinorWhat could go wrong1: Play151148
CinemancyMinorTalking and driving1: Play152149
CinemancySignificantAin't got no time to bleed1: Play152149
CinemancySignificantStormtrooper combat training1: Play152149
CinemancySignificantRight turn, Clyde1: Play152149
CinemancySignificantI'll just hack in1: Play152149
CinemancySignificantHe's right behind me, isn't he?1: Play153150
CinemancySignificantMusical montage1: Play153150
FulminaturgyMinorStand Alone1: Play155152
FulminaturgyMinorSerious Demeanour1: Play155152
FulminaturgyMinorSteady Hand, Steady Heart1: Play156152
FulminaturgyMinorGimlet Eye1: Play156152
FulminaturgyMinorA Round in the Air1: Play156152
FulminaturgyMinorBullseye Vision1: Play156153
FulminaturgyMinorPractical Marksman1: Play156153
FulminaturgySignificant.45 Caliber Exorcism1: Play156153
FulminaturgySignificantThere Are Many Like It1: Play156153
FulminaturgySignificantWinchester's Perfume1: Play156153
FulminaturgySignificantFirm of Purpose1: Play156153
FulminaturgySignificantBulletproof1: Play157153
FulminaturgySignificantMao's Garden1: Play157153
FulminaturgySignificantNow I'm A GunSignificant Blast1: Play157154
MotumancyMinorLabel1: Play159155
MotumancyMinorPlowshares to Swords1: Play159156
MotumancyMinorDraw a Crowd1: Play159156
MotumancyMinorI Don't Even Know These Creeps1: Play159156
MotumancyMinorHashtag's Lingering Corpse1: Play160157
MotumancyMinorTake the Red Pill1: Play160157
MotumancySignificantCall-out Culture1: Play160157
MotumancySignificantWe've Always Been at War with Eastasia1: Play161157
MotumancySignificantFake Geek Boy1: Play161157
MotumancySignificantCommunity Organiser1: Play161158
SociomancyMinorBrother, Can You Spare a Dime?1: Play163160
SociomancyMinorNothing To See Here1: Play163160
SociomancyMinorA Face in the Crowd1: Play164160
SociomancyMinorThe Team Takes One For Me1: Play164160
SociomancyMinorPariah1: Play164161
SociomancyMinorCrowd Source1: Play164161
SociomancyMinorShow Me How To Do That Again1: Play164161
SociomancySignificantTrading Places1: Play165161
SociomancySignificantSocial Magnet1: Play165161
SociomancySignificantSummon Egregore1: Play165161
SociomancySignificantBlasphemous Rumours1: Play165162
SociomancySignificantHerd Mentality1: Play165162
VestimancyMinorCamolevlar1: Play167163
VestimancyMinorDead Man's Shoes1: Play167164
VestimancyMinorDress For The Job You Want1: Play167164
VestimancyMinorGarment Tag1: Play168164
VestimancyMinorGlad Rags1: Play168164
VestimancyMinorSo Last Season1: Play168165
VestimancyMinorWalk A Mile In Their Mocassins1: Play168165
VestimancySignificantA Very Fancy Hat1: Play168165
VestimancySignificantDress For Success1: Play168165
VestimancySignificantDress the Part1: Play168165
VestimancySignificantGyge's Cloak1: Play169165
VestimancySignificantLoup Garou Couture1: Play169166
VestimancySignificantMedea's Shroud1: Play169166
VestimancySignificantSwan Maiden Wings1: Play169166
ViaturgyMinorGet Outta My Dreams1: Play170167
ViaturgyMinorI Feel Safest of All1: Play170167
ViaturgyMinorLifetime Piling Up1: Play171167
ViaturgyMinorRed Light1: Play171168
ViaturgyMinorTire Marks1: Play171168
ViaturgyMinorGreen Light1: Play171168
ViaturgyMinorGhost Roads1: Play172168
ViaturgySignificantCrosstown Traffic1: Play172168
ViaturgySignificantI Am The Highway1: Play172168
ViaturgySignificantRamble On1: Play172169
ViaturgySignificantJesus Buit My Hot Rod1: Play172169
ViaturgySignificantVia Libris1: Play173169
ViaturgySignificantRolling Throne1: Play173170
ViaturgySignificantUnchained1: Play173170
GNOMONMinorCorrelate2: Run6360
GNOMONMinorOracular Algorithm2: Run6360
GNOMONMinorVenn Point2: Run6360
GNOMONMinorDigital Shutout2: Run6360
GNOMONMinorError Code2: Run6461
GNOMONMinorImpotent with my wi-fi2: Run6461
GNOMONMinorOff the Grid2: Run6461
GNOMONSignificantPersona Rasa2: Run6562
GNOMONSignificantPersona Mavra2: Run6562
GNOMONSignificantBrwose a Relevant File2: Run6562
GNOMONSignificantNone of the Above2: Run6562
GNOMONSignificantFungible Operative2: Run6663
GNOMONSignificantReality Bruise2: Run6663
GNOMONSignificantStat on Stat2: Run6663
UstrinaturgyMinorAlways Have a Light4: Expose8
UstrinaturgyMinorCloudshapes4: Expose8
UstrinaturgyMinorCoughing Fit4: Expose8
UstrinaturgyMinorEyes Get in Your Smoke4: Expose8
UstrinaturgyMinorNicfit4: Expose8
UstrinaturgyMinorSecondhand Cool4: Expose8
UstrinaturgyMinorThe Devil in Smoke4: Expose9
UstrinaturgySignificantCancer Curse4: Expose9
UstrinaturgySignificantDeath Sticks4: Expose9
UstrinaturgySignificantLike Bogart and Bacall4: Expose9
UstrinaturgySignificantObscuring Cloud4: Expose10
UstrinaturgySignificantSmokeofrm4: Expose10
UstrinaturgySignificantSmoke Without Fire4: Expose10
UstrinaturgySignificantUnburning4: Expose10
CryptomancyMinorThe Forgotten5: Mine4
CryptomancyMinorGlob Tongue5: Mine4
CryptomancyMinorGood Instincts5: Mine5
CryptomancyMinorSearch Your Feelings5: Mine5
CryptomancyMinorSeeing is Believing5: Mine5
CryptomancyMinorJudge of Character5: Mine5
CryptomancyMinorWitchsight5: Mine6
CryptomancySignificantThe Lost5: Mine6
CryptomancySignificantCutting the Cord5: Mine6
CryptomancySignificantSowing Seeds5: Mine6
CryptomancySignificantFool's Gold5: Mine7
CryptomancySignificantBabel Effect5: Mine7
CryptomancySignificantOut of Shadow5: Mine7
CryptomancySignificantTap the Source5: Mine7
DetritomancyMinorLaziness5: Mine10
DetritomancyMinorToo Much Junk Food5: Mine10
DetritomancyMinorSimple Carelessness5: Mine10
DetritomancyMinorPast Due For Maintenance5: Mine11
DetritomancyMinorForgetful5: Mine11
DetritomancyMinorUnplanned Outages5: Mine11
DetritomancyMinorThis Too Shall Pass5: Mine12
DetritomancySignificantWhat's the Point?5: Mine12
DetritomancySignificantSlipping Through The Cracks5: Mine12
DetritomancySignificantYour Body, Your Temple5: Mine12
DetritomancySignificantAlley-Cat Augury5: Mine13
DetritomancySignificantI Don't Need This5: Mine13
DetritomancySignificantDumpster Diver5: Mine13
EntropomancyMinorTaste of Chaos5: Mine16
EntropomancyMinorEvil Eye5: Mine16
EntropomancyMinorPeek at the Top Card5: Mine16
EntropomancyMinorPierce the Veil5: Mine16
EntropomancyMinorFortune's Fool5: Mine16
EntropomancyMinorBulletproof Chutzpah5: Mine17
EntropomancyMinorDouble or Nothing5: Mine17
EntropomancySignificantKilling Stare5: Mine17
EntropomancySignificantI Feel Lucky5: Mine17
EntropomancySignificantCage for the Dead5: Mine18
EntropomancySignificantLuck of the Damned5: Mine18
EntropomancySignificantEdit the World5: Mine18
EntropomancySignificantI Win5: Mine19
EntropomancySignificantCold Read5: Mine19
EntropomancySignificantOn a Roll5: Mine19
EpideromancyMinorWarping5: Mine21
EpideromancyMinorRegeneration5: Mine22
EpideromancyMinorFlesh is my Servant5: Mine22
EpideromancyMinorMirror Lies5: Mine22
EpideromancyMinorRelentless Will5: Mine23
EpideromancyMinorGreat Warping5: Mine23
EpideromancySignificantBody Like a Still Pond5: Mine23
EpideromancySignificantFace Shift5: Mine23
EpideromancySignificantBody Like Iron5: Mine24
EpideromancySignificantPreternatural Prowess5: Mine24
EpideromancySignificantBody Melting5: Mine24
EpideromancySignificantChameleon5: Mine24
EpideromancySignificantWithering5: Mine25
EpideromancySignificantBody Horror5: Mine25
KatharoturgyMinorNot Today, Dirt5: Mine27
KatharoturgyMinorWashing Away Failure5: Mine27
KatharoturgyMinorDual-Purpose Cleaner5: Mine27
KatharoturgyMinorGermspotting5: Mine27
KatharoturgyMinorDr Cleangood5: Mine28
KatharoturgyMinorBathvoyance5: Mine28
KatharoturgyMinorFear What I Fear5: Mine28
KatharoturgySignificantTeflon Adept5: Mine28
KatharoturgySignificantTidying Up The Future5: Mine29
KatharoturgySignificantSterilization Upgrade Available5: Mine29
KatharoturgySignificantDoes This Look Infected To You?5: Mine30
KatharoturgySignificantHealing Power of Hairlessness5: Mine30
KatharoturgySignificantSanitary Circle5: Mine30
KatharoturgySignificantDisinfecting Exorcism5: Mine31
PlutomancyMinorBank Error In Your Favor5: Mine32
PlutomancyMinorAccount Summary5: Mine33
PlutomancyMinorPurchase History5: Mine33
PlutomancyMinorTax-Deductible Charity Case5: Mine33
PlutomancyMinorI Know Your Price5: Mine33
PlutomancyMinorDebt Collecting and Trading5: Mine34
PlutomancySignificantDead Presidents Speak5: Mine34
PlutomancySignificantHostile Payment5: Mine34
PlutomancySignificantRetail Therapy5: Mine35
PlutomancySignificantDevaluation5: Mine35
PlutomancySignificantAlmighty Dollar5: Mine35
PlutomancySignificantFinance Charges5: Mine36
PlutomancySignificantWage Slave5: Mine36
PornomancyMinorFanning the Flames5: Mine38
PornomancyMinorWhat's Your Desire5: Mine38
PornomancyMinorDon't Hate Me Because I'm Hot5: Mine39
PornomancyMinorBrowser History5: Mine39
PornomancyMinorAural Sex5: Mine39
PornomancyMinorFlash Bang5: Mine40
PornomancyMinorI Do Not Know You5: Mine40
PornomancySignificantHow Did She Bend Like That?5: Mine40
PornomancySignificantSynchronicity5: Mine41
PornomancySignificantActing in Porn5: Mine41
PornomancySignificantPleasure-Pain Line5: Mine41
PornomancySignificantDeep Throat5: Mine41
PornomancySignificantDead Inside5: Mine42
PornomancySignificantThirsty Gardener5: Mine42
UrbanomancyMinorFive-Star Ride5: Mine45
UrbanomancyMinorPosting in the Real World5: Mine45
UrbanomancyMinorStreetwise5: Mine45
UrbanomancyMinorFace in the Crowd5: Mine46
UrbanomancyMinorVermin's Eye5: Mine46
UrbanomancyMinorBreak Your Mother's Back5: Mine46
UrbanomancySignificantAlone In The Crowd5: Mine46
UrbanomancySignificantMy Turf5: Mine47
UrbanomancySignificantWrong Turn5: Mine47
UrbanomancySignificantMadness of Crowds5: Mine47
UrbanomancySignificantNapoleaon of Notting Hill5: Mine48
UrbanomancySignificantTraffic Accident5: Mine48
SchoolClassSpellEffect CategoryBookPrintPDF
GourmeturgyMinorSquare Meal
GourmeturgyMinorDisagreeableMinor Blast
GourmeturgyMinorHere's One I Made Earlier
GourmeturgyMinorChicken Soup for the Body
GourmeturgyMinorComfort Food
GourmeturgyMinorLean and Hungry Look
GourmeturgySignificantGut BusterSignificant Blast
GourmeturgySignificantEnough Sauce
GourmeturgySignificantThe Beast of the Belly
GourmeturgySignificantCrash Diet
GourmeturgySignificantDinner Guest


Known rituals.
MinorBelling the Cat3: Reveal1515
MinorBlessings of Passion1: Play177174
MinorBlood Cake3: Reveal1516
MinorBreathe Underwater3: Reveal1919
MinorButter Knife3: Reveal2020
SignificantCapture Kindly Dead3: Reveal54
MinorCat-Leather Ring Rite4: Expose22
MinorChannel Zero5: Mine42
SignificantCloven Orange3: Reveal2626
MinorDdefod o Ymgnawdoliad4: Expose51
MinorDeath Car Creation3: Reveal31
MinorDevil's Game3: Reveal3232
MinorDo You Want to See Ghosts5: Mine43
SignificantDoll3: Reveal3333
MinorDryad Abundance1: Play180177
MinorElevator Trick1: Play180177
MinorFeline Ghostbreaker1: Play180177
MinorFinding The Book of Names5: Mine45
MinorGreat Feast2: Run6965
MinorGreen Phone1: Play177174
MinorHell's Heart Bullet1: Play180177
MinorHitchhikers5: Mine46
MinorHow to Cut Off Your Own Head5: Mine43
MinorI Have Become Phobetor2: Run7875
MinorLiar's Guts3: Reveal5857
MinorMaddening Invader1: Play177174
SignificantMake Wheezehound3: Reveal102
MinorMixing Up Mummy Brown5: Mine42
MinorNeptune's Awakening1: Play177174
MinorOld Mirror1: Play178175
MinorOn3: Reveal6967
MinorPandora's Box3: Reveal7169
SignificantPass-out Game1: Play178175
SignificantPersonal Ad3: Reveal72
SignificantRecall in Truth1: Play178175
MinorRed Sauce3: Reveal7977
SignificantRitual of Darkness3: Reveal79
SignificantRitual of Light3: Reveal79
MinorSummon Fool-Killer4: Expose19
MinorTamer's Plummet4: Expose82
MinorThe Cursed Story5: Mine41
MinorThe Devil's Dissertation5: Mine41
MinorThe FUBAR Ritual5: Mine43
MinorThe Gallery5: Mine45
MinorThe Hook-Up5: Mine44
MinorThe TV in the Alley5: Mine44
MinorThe Uber to Hell5: Mine43
MinorThis A Bad Idea?3: Reveal9088
MinorTo Call the Hunter5: Mine46
SignificantTo Cause A Haunting3: Reveal9290
SignificantTrains1: Play180177
SignificantUnveil the Inner Eye1: Play178175
MinorWhat to Do When Someone is Buried Alive5: Mine45
SignificantWicked Salt1: Play179176
MinorLong SpoonGourmeturgy
MinorLazy SusanGourmeturgy
MinorOne Year OlderGourmeturgy
MinorFortified with IronGourmeturgy


Casts RitualsYou can roll the identity to activate minor rituals, or even to perform significant rituals as long as you’ve got the magickal charges needed for them.1: Play4443
Coerces a MeterYou can plausibly threaten someone and they either do what you say, or they suck up a stress check on a pre-determined shock meter.1: Play4443
CooperativeYou can help someone else who is undertaking an endeavour using the ability that this identity substitutes for.4: Expose35
Evaluates a MeterYour identity gives you insight into people that lets you assess one of their shock meters after spending a little time with them.1: Play4443
MedicalYou can keep people alive after physical injury and get them healthy when they’re sick.1: Play4443
Provides Firearms AttacksYou can realistically attempt to gun someone down when they’re running and screaming. Without this, you rely on a Struggle check to lay down suppressive fire (at best) with a gun.1: Play4443
Provides InitiativeIn circumstances related to the identity, you may get a chance to act faster than others regardless of physical abilities.1: Play4544
Provides Wound ThresholdYour wound threshold may be set tougher than the normal 50% normal with this identity feature. Even if your identity is less than 50%, it has the advantage of improving over time.1: Play4544
Resists Shock to a MeterYou can fall back on this identity to defend a stress check to the nominated shock meter.1: Play4544
SincereYou can enhance your chances of doing something to or with a character or organisation with whom you have a Relationship.4: Expose35
TacticalYou can provide advice or orders to other people. If it’s good advice that is relevant to this identity, and they follow it, they get to flip-flop if needed.4: Expose35
TherapeuticYour identity involves caring, sympathy and healing the troubled souls of puzzled mortals in this modern era. Whatever your therapeutic modality, you can help people repair their damaged shock gauge.1: Play4544
UniqueYou are proficient in a practice not well covered by other features. It’s a reasonably specific endeavour, but something repeatable rather than a one-shot trick.1: Play4544
Use Gutter MagickYou have a talent for being able to shove your face into reality and use pure will to bruise it. Gutter magick is a raw, improvisational exertion of the casters desire. It doesn’t rely so much on carefully rehearsed ritual as an unnerving belief in your power and need to break the world.1: Play4544
Weaponized PhysiqueIf you attack someone bare-handed, using Struggle or any other Identity, your blows do an extra point of damage.4: Expose36
Substitutes for AbilityEvery standard identity substitutes for at least one ability, by default, or more if taken as an additional feature. It’s only for taking actions that the ability it subs for ordinarily covers.

An identity does not sub for that ability for the purposes of coercing a shock meter or making a stress check, unless it has the Resists Shock or Coerces feature respectively.
1: Play4241

Supernatural Categories

Supernatural effects are broken into a number of mechanically consistent categories.
InfluenceMuch the same as using Connect. Identical rules for snap judgments. But when you really sit down and press someone (using the gridiron mechanic), these powers are more potent than just good word choice.1: Play4948
Specific HarmCauses some undodgable actual physical injury once per hour, but it’s nothing that the cops would recognise as such.1: Play4847
Specific InformationSome powers provide very specific information unnaturally, and do nothing else. It tells one thing well, not everything through a dark glass (like Vague Information).1: Play4746
Specific ProtectionYou have something that protects you from a very specific, narrow category of physical, mental, or spiritual harm.1: Play4746
Vague HarmYou have some creepy ability to put bad luck, evil juju or malign spiritual aspects on those who have displeased you, up to once an hour or so. They don’t know what form this vague cloud of ill-will takes. You don’t know what form it takes. But misfortune dogs their steps1: Play4847
Vague InformationThese identities can intermittently provide hints, clues, and insight, but no specific information. They are not something you can just switch on casually. Accessing this information is kind of a hassle.1: Play4645
Vague ProtectionYou have something that makes you less likely to undergo physical harm, period. It acts just like Dodge, but can also provide protection against one category of peril that can’t usually be dodged.1: Play4746
VersatilityOnce per day, you can roll it as if it was any one of the other categories of supernatural identity to produce a plausible related effect.1: Play4948

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